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Frequently Asked Questions​​​

What is this project?

Our project offers customizable illustrations for paper miniatures, designed for tabletop RPGs, which you can print and use in your adventures. What sets us apart is that the miniatures can be customized, allowing you to change skin color, hairstyle, weapons, and other options (see more details about customization options below). Our illustrations are provided as interactive vector PDFs, and we aim to release new characters and unique creatures every week, keeping your adventures fresh and exciting!

Why customize your paper miniatures?

Customizing your miniatures allows you to visually differentiate each character on the game board, giving players a more immersive and visually rich experience.


What is a vector illustration?

Vector illustrations are images that can be resized without losing quality. Unlike bitmap images (like .jpeg or .png), vectors retain sharp lines and perfect details whether they’re small or enlarged. This ensures your miniatures have high-definition clarity, with smooth edges and no loss of resolution.

What is an Interactive PDF and how does customization work?

An interactive PDF is a type of PDF that includes elements the user can directly interact with. For our files, users can interact with clickable buttons to customize their miniatures.


Important! Is highly recommended that you use Adobe Acrobat Reader (or similar) to open this PDF (you can download it here). Since it is an interactive PDF, opening it in your browser may cause bugs and inconsistencies.


Users will have up to 11 general customization options, including:

  • Helmet – up to 3 options;

  • Hair – up to 3 options, with up to 10 color choices for each;

  • Beard – up to 3 options, with up to 10 color choices for each;

  • Left-hand object – up to 5 options;

  • Right-hand object – up to 5 options;

  • Eyes (if applicable) – up to 7 options;

  • Tattoos (or other details) – up to 7 options;

  • Skin color – up to 12 options;

  • Clothing colors – up to 5 options;

  • Miniature base shape – up to 3 options;

  • Base color – up to 7 options.


Not all miniatures will have every customization option. For example, elves don't have beards, so that customization option wouldn't be available. Also consider that some characters may wield weapons or objects using both hands simultaneously, which would change the Right Hand and Left Hand customizations.

You can download a free PDF available in our blog, in this post.

In the future, we plan to expand the number of customization options and, if possible, create a system where users can select any color they want (using a color wheel, for instance). Stay tuned!

Custom System.png

Appearance of the elements you’ll find in the PDFs.

Como imprimir e cortar as miniaturas?

Tão logo você defina as personalizações, basta você clicar no botão de imprimir (pelo próprio programa leitor de PDF ou clicando no botão "Print" no canto superior da página" e sua página com as miniaturas personalizadas estarão prontas.​

Dê preferência para o papel tipo fotográfico. Note que as configurações da impressora, o tipo de papel e sua gramatura podem influenciar na definição e cores da impressão, então é recomendando que

Falar sobre o projeto: detalhes, objetivo, características, sobre vetores e diferença de bitmap


Falar sobre os arquivos PDFs (que são interativos), qual melhor programa para abrir, da personalização etc

Aproveitar e falar sobre os objetivos futuros


Falar da impressão e como produzir as miniaturas (qualidade de impressão, como cortar, opções etc)

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